

   Posted by: Matthew and L'vannah   in

Welcome to our newest home on the web. This new site is for both of us to share the progress on planning our wedding along with providing important information for our guests.

Please use the pages at the right to find out what you’re looking for. You can look at the “Recent Posts” list for brief updates on what we’re up to.

If you’d like to be kept in the loop about our lives, register with the site. Note, you’ll be sent a password, but unless you want to edit some options, you’ll never need to login or even remember your username or password.

Don’t forget to leave us a comment below to tell us you stopped by.

Lvannah and Matthew hiking in Pinnacles

L'vannah and Matthew hiking in Pinnacles

6 comments so far


Nice website (if I do say so myself).

December 14th, 2008 at 3:18 pm

You have both done a fabulous job creating this website.

December 15th, 2008 at 11:58 am

Your mutual biographies win the award for self-skewering humor.

December 16th, 2008 at 6:18 pm

It must be true love if Matthew’s idea of camping is a Holiday Inn. I always told L’vannah that when she met the right one it wouldn’t matter if he was not quite as enthusiastic about everything she was enthusiastic about. It would just be OKAY cuz that’s love!

December 17th, 2008 at 7:33 pm

Hi Matthew,
Can’t believe you’re “grown up” and getting married — where did the years go?
That is wonderful news!
Lots of love and best wishes to both of you.

December 21st, 2008 at 3:06 pm

Hey! Great website. Read through the stories… laughed at L’ crawling under the table to get out, because she’s done that sort of thing her whole life. Glad you guys found each other — geeks in love, how sweet! ;)

January 7th, 2009 at 11:47 am

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